Perfect Friday

The deputy manager of a London bank has worked out a way to rob the branch of £300,000.



Genre: Comedy, Crime
Rating: AA
Directed By: Peter Hall
Written By: Anthony Greville-Bell (screenplay), Scott Forbes (screenplay)
Released: 1970
Runtime: 94 minutes


Stanley Baker as Mr. Graham
Ursula Andress as Lady Britt Dorset
David Warner as Lord Nicholas “Nick” Dorset
Patience Collier as Nanny
T. P. McKenna as Smith


The story revolves around three people — Lord Nicholas Dorset and his wife Britt, for whom luxury is a necessity, and their bank manager Mr. Graham. Over the years, Mr. Graham has devised a plan to rob his own bank. His clients’ desperate financial straits make them ideal accomplices in his eyes, but to ensure their loyalty he makes love to Britt after sending her husband away, then bribes Nick with a retainer.

The robbery scheme is dependent on timing and must be carried out on a Friday — the perfect Friday. With careful planning, the simple, neat crime is eventually accomplished. But each mistrusts the other, and with £300,000 at stake, the three robbers have a lot to lose.

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